
I have not tried that small capacitor from the junction of the crystals and
L33 so I cannot comment on it from that standpoint.

What I would like to state is that when one pulls a crystal by any method,
the stability becomes worse as the amount of pulling becomes greater.  One
should be aware of this and related facts when modifying any circuit in a
way that is not 'approved and tested'.  Also due to the nature of crystals,
something that happens to work in one situation may not work the same for
all cases.  Remember that I am only bringing up cautions here, I am not
makeing a firm statement about the operation one way or another.

It certainly would be nice if someone (or better yet, several someones) with
access to suitable instrumentation could try this or any other mod and
report the results.  The fact that it worked on a sample of one does not
create a statement that it will work in other cases - that is simple
statistical knowledge - I would like to see something that says it works in
at least 5 or 10 trials before drawing any firm conclusions.

So, yes I think it should be left on your website, but you may want to put a
"Use at your own peril" disclaimer on all those that are not 'approved by
Elecraft' or otherwise adequately tested (and I invite you to add any of my
mods to that group as well, even though I have absolute confidence in my own


> -----Original Message-----
> >
> > The preferred method of padding the BFO capacitors is to
> > maintain the ratio between C173 and C174 by paralleling them
> > with capacitors.  A single capacitor from the junction to
> > ground will be in parallel with the series combination of
> > C173 and the varactor D38 and could make the BFO less stable
> > than it should be.
> >
> Don,
> How about a single capacitor (1-4 pF) from the junction of the
> crystals and
> the L33 inductor as in
> Does that create potential stability problems also?
> I've got this link on my K2 mods page and just wanted to make sure I can
> recommend it and keep it there. I have never had any problems
> with BFO range
> myself so I have no personal experience with this myself.
> 73
> Sverre

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