Good Morning and Happy New Year,
I just got home from my neighbor's house where I was taught how to play pinochle since I was doing much too well at poker :) Just chips folks no cash. But they were very nice about teaching me what appears to be a multilayered game. Melding looks to be the toughest part right now but bidding also looks interesting. I'll learn.

Later today we'll have the January 1st, 2006 running of the Elecraft Nets. Tom, N0SS, has told me he will be around to take care of the middle and Eastern part of the continent. Thanks Tom! If you can tear your way away from the frivolity and bowl games join us for a few minutes to give us the weather and propagation news from your neck of the woods.

Here in Oregon the low land folks are dealing with flooding. Up on the mountain we are socked in with fog so my normal 10 minute trip home from the next door neighbor's took about twice as long. Instead of flooding we worry about mudslides and trees falling in the wind due to the soggy soil.

      Please join us:
Sunday 2400z (Sunday 4pm PST) 14050 kHz
Monday 0300z (Sunday 7pm PST)  7045 kHz

Visit our web site: for further details. Thank you for the web space Dan.

Stay warm, dry, and safe,
         Kevin. KD5ONS
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