
Close, but not exactly what I was looking for....

I have a few HamSticks, and a couple of HamStick clones (made by Valor, I 
think) and they do indeed work pretty well. Typically the "stick" part with the 
coil wrapped around it is about 3 1/2 feet long, and the whips run about 4 
feet, making a vertical about 7 feet long when assembled.

The mount on my CRV is on the spare carrier on the hatch door -- with a 7 foot 
vertical mounted there, the top of the antenna is at about 11 feet - too high 
to drive around with without worrying about it.

I remember seeing in a magazine article one tip about using the "stick" for one 
band lower than you want, with a shortened whip of about a foot. For instance, 
using a 30M stick with a 1 foot whip on 20 meters. I also remember seeing an 
article about modifying these antennas by unwrapping some of the coiled wire 
from the end of the stick, and using it with no whip at all.

It was the articles and/or any experiences that anyone may have with this 
approach that I was looking for.

I will do some experimentation, but if I could find the article first, or 
someone has already tried this, I could direct my experiments a bit.

Thanks for your quick reply,
Mike N2HTT

----- Original Message -----
From: Aron Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, January 12, 2006 10:24 am
Subject: RE: [Elecraft] Looking for shortened Ham-Stick antenna article

> Morning Mike:
> I have used the "mini hamsticks on my Volvo station wagon with some 
> success.The 20 meter antenna works great but it took some doing to 
> tune the 40 meter
> one. I have made quite a few contacts using these antennas. Not 
> sure if this
> is what your talking about, but you can get these antennas at HRO.
> Good Luck
> Aron
> NN1F
> Bedford, NH
> FP#122
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