
Well, if you hear sidetone, you got it right!!!  It is no more complex than
that, and there should be no uncertainty in your mind.
The real problem is that folks don't know where to look first if the
sidetone suddenly disappears.


> -----Original Message-----
> Hi Don,
> One's never to old to learn... I didn't know this and just cheked
> it. That
> must have been my problem as well, I think,  but I can't be sure
> of course.
> Maybe something to put in the Troubleshooting FAQ on the Elecraft website?
> 73,
> Peter PA0PJE
> ----- Oorspronkelijk bericht -----
> > Bill,
> >
> > The selectable sidetone source is for support of older K2s that
> have not
> > had
> > the wiring change made for the new sidetone source.  It has
> been a source
> > of
> > confusion many many times and IMHO should be eliminated in the next
> > firmware
> > release (which would require those older K2s to apply the
> hardware change
> > if
> > the firmware is upgraded).
> >
> > Bottom line, your K2 (like all post-SN3000 K2s) has only the U8 pin 4
> > sidetone source built into it - and there is nothing missing.
> >
> > 73,
> > Don W3FPR
> >

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