Rich wrote:

They do allow them and need them on submarines and these batteries are big
enough you could get in the jar!  Only time they are vented outside is when
performing an "equalizing charge." However, they do ventilate the area to
prevent H2 buildup in pockets.


Yes. It's a little hard to get fresh outside air into a sub most of the time
<G>. And in the old diesel subs the batteries were darn near as dangerous as
the enemy in wartime, but that was a special case not likely found at home;
The mixture of the electrolyte and sea water produced deadly chlorine gas. 

I would consider the most dangerous problem today the sulfuric acid. Working
on marine systems, I was  terribly, terribly careful when checking batteries
to avoid splashing any electrolyte. Still I didn't own a single pair of work
pants that didn't have holes from very, very tiny electrolyte droplets. Of
course, after the acid has a little while to work, the hole isn't nearly as
tiny as the droplet was. 

There may not be a huge amount of hydrogen released, but you don't need a
lot. There's a reason why one should never attach a live circuit directly to
a lead-acid battery, such as when jump-starting a car. The last connection
is ground and it goes to a point away from the battery because that
inevitable spark when the clamp makes contact has caused entire batteries to
blow up, piercing the hapless individual with lead shrapnel from what were
the plates while simultaneously bathing him (or her) in sulfuric acid and
causing serious burns from the flames. 

>From what I read, the modern "maintenance free" car batteries are no
exception. They have exploded when left alone! As one survivor reported, "If
you have to be near an exploding battery, be two floors down, in an office,
in another building. Worked for me." 

For the full story see:


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