I am considering replacing my TS-850Sat with a K2/100 in the near future. There 
is nothing wrong with my 850, in fact I am very happy with it in general and 
really love the receiver performance. The area that I live in has a number of, 
AM, FM and TV stations within 3-10 miles and the rig exhibits very few images 
throughout the HF bands. BTW, my antenna is a huge loop tuned with a SGC SG-237 
Smartuner. The main modes that I operate are PSK and SSB.
My main reason for considering replacing the 850 is that it is becoming fairly 
old and I am worried that if any major boards fail that I will be unable to get 
it fixed in a few years. Plus the rig is loaded with almost every option 
available and I should get a good price for it on ebay. Another reason is that 
one day I would like to get into 6MT meteor scatter and I really like the way 
that Elecraft transverters integrate with the K2. BTW, is it easy to control an 
external VHF amp and a mast mounted switched preamp with a K2?
So my primary question is how good of a receiver does the K2 have vs. the 850 
and how well will it handle an environment with high RF levels? Also, how 
suitable of a rig is it for data modes (RTTY, PSK etc)?
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