Keith, KD1E asked:
I haven't used or worked a K2 on SSB but I get the impression it is not the
best audio.  Seems to me the issue is not the mic, but the 2.0 KHz SSB
filter.  That's pretty narrow and won't give good hi-fi (or mid-fi) SSB.

How hard would it be to increase the bandwidth of the SSB board's filter to
2.6 KHz or so?  I'd love that.  If I want the bandwidth limited I can do it
with an outboard parametric EQ.


Elecraft provides kits of capacitors to change the SSB filter bandwidth,
widening it to 2.2 or 2.6 kHz. Order SSBCAPKT. 

The original SSB filter was made narrow to provide more "talk power" or
"punch" for QRP signals. It's a tradeoff between the narrowest possible
bandwidth, which provides the loudest signal at the other end, and audio

I opened up the filter in my K2 to 2.6 KHz and it receives 'standard
broadcast' A.M. signals with the same fidelity as most small AM receivers.
(With the 160 meter option installed, the K2 receives the upper part of the
North American A.M. broadcast band). The wider bandwidth also allows you
more flexibility in setting the passband for test transmit audio (remember,
FL1 is *always* the one used on xmit, no matter which filter you have
selected for receive). With my somewhat gravelly voice I find better to
raise the low frequency cutoff up above 300 Hz and make use of some of the
higher frequency response to balance the audio. 


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