In a message dated 3/3/06 1:55:27 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> I have come across an old laptop with Win95 on it, but
> I want to put Win98se on it instead.  I seem to have
> lost my Win98 CD, but I still have the key.  Does
> anyone have have a Win98 Second Edition CD that they
> would like to part with, hopefully real cheap.  

Couple of things....

- If the disk and the key don't match, it may or may not work. I don't know 
if they put a different key on each disk.

- If the Win98SE disk you have/get is a full-install one, it won't let you 
just replace Win95. At least the ones I used wouldn't - they'd detect that 
was already installed, and would tell me to go buy an upgrade disk instead.

I had to reformat the hard drive using a Win95 DOSfloppy first. Then 98 could 
be installed easily. 

I'm still running Win95 here on some machines. I like it because it will run 
on older boxes and smaller HDs, plus it is so old nobody writes viruses for it 

But it's getting to the point that too many apps won't run on 95. Time for me 
to build a new computer!

73 de Jim, N2EY
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