
Don't do that reset!!!

The K2 does that if you do not wait long enough at the new frequency.
So tune it up to 14.035 again and wait at least 30 seconds (or a full
minute) before changing bands or turning power off.

It has always been there - you just didn't notice before.


> -----Original Message-----
> Well a problem just started.  Regardless of where in the 20M band
> I am when
> I shut down, it always comes up on the same frequency when I turn the rig
> back on.  The same is true of other bands.  Never happened before.  Real
> strange.
> An example of this is I turn the rig on and say it comes up on 14.010.  I
> tune up the band to 14.035 and turn it off.  If I turn it back on
> immediately, it come up back on 14.010!
> Anyone got any ideas before I do a reset, ugh!
> 73,
> Charlie, W0YG..>>
> SN 5366

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