Or does he mean the KX2? If so I believe the latest firmware fixes that issue.

Phil W7OX

On 7/7/16 10:22 AM, Erlend Grimseid wrote:
What firmware are you using Fred? Because on my radio the bias stays on
when i go from voice to data mode. So if i forget to turn out off i have to
switch to voice and then back to data.

I  don't use the bias voltage for anything, but someone might have use for
it, that's why i don't recommend disabling it completely.

Optionally let the settings be stored pr mode.
7. jul. 2016 17:14 skrev "Fred Moore" <f...@fmeco.com>:

I actually like it working as it is.  When I go into data mode I don't
have to turn off the bias etc..  I think that is why it works the way it
does..  Fred

On 7/7/16 9:14 AM, John Pitz wrote:
I would like to second that request!

On Thu, 2016-07-07 at 09:39 +0200, Erlend Grimseid wrote:

When switching to data modes, the mic btn and mic bias settings in the
is disabled.
I use vox in some settings and have rigged a cable with ptt for my TNC.
Also if i forget to turn of mic bias before connecting my smartphone,
phone goes crazy and thinks I'm pushing buttons on my headset.

With the current firmware I have to go to voice mode, change settings
then back to data A mode.

Would it be possible to enable changing mic settings in data mode?


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