Good Evening (it is nearly Good Morning :)
It is very late here but I will get this out before I hit the hay. Long day fighting with software, hardware, weather, &tc. I was not able to get as much done as I would like but lately that seems to be normal. My to do list rapidly outpaces my ability to do. However, I do see some progress and that is a plus. Trouble is my projects each tend to generate two more projects producing scaling problems. There seems to be only one of me. Where do I truncate this never ending tree of projects? Maybe I should look at one of those game algorithms for a hint at a limiting depth ;) It looks like spring is gradually moving up the mountain. The earliest flowers have ceased blooming at around 1000 feet to be replaced by the next set. The snow in my yard is almost entirely gone though the surrounding higher elevations still hold their cover. Each time the sun comes out to melt some the resulting evaporation causes the cloud cover to increase so the effect is self limiting. According to the GOES satellite we are in a cloud stream. The area near the mouth of the Columbia River is often where this stream remains for weeks at a time. The difference in my weather and downtown Portland is often quite surprising. I drive out of pouring rain only to be met by bright sunshine and dry roads. By the time I get off the train the temperature can be 20 to 30 degrees warmer than when I started my commute. My fellow passengers must wonder why I am dressed so warmly. Forty meters was very good two evenings this week. Those were the only times I tested though so it may have been good all week. A few skeds at 0300z went on until we called it quits. Light QSB was not a problem. On Friday night we did have to deal with our neighboring SSB stations. Occasionaly they would wipe out a word or two but since human language is redundant we don't need to hear all the words to make sense of a sentence. Unless, of course, that word is the principle verb or noun :) Context is everything and it is fun to work my friend so I dig that much deeper. If you are not busy tomorrow evening why don't you join us on either twenty or forty meters? You are welcome to join us on both. I will be there.

    Please join us:
Sunday 2300z (Sunday 3pm PST) 14050 kHz
Monday 0200z (Sunday 6pm PST)  7045 kHz

Hasta maƱana,
      Kevin.  KD5ONS

Soon we should move back to 2400z and 0300z.
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