
I am running my K2 with the latest firmware and Ham Radio Deluxe works fine 
here.  If the K2 operates properly with any program (check with a simplistic 
one, like HyperTerm), then the K2 is responding properly and you can look for 
the solution in your computer - the answer will be found in how Windows is 
working with your application.

Yes, there is no flow control (and that is not a problem), it is strictly a 
command/response protocol, but it has always been that way, and it has always 
worked for me as long as I set up the computer port properly.  

Try setting the baud rate and flow control for the computer serial port from 
the Windows Device Manager as well as from the application and see if your 
responses are any better.

If you are using a USB to serial port adapter, be certain you have the proper 
drivers - depending on how your computer handles task switching for that 
adapter device, you may find the problem there.


> -----Original Message-----
> I recently completed my K2.  I assume that it has the very latest 
> firmware.  Although it works fine with k2Remote, it doesn't work 
> reliably with any third-party software that I've tried.   I've 
> tried the latest version of dxLab commander, HamRadioDelux, and 
> even purchased HamStationExtreme.  Comander won't even connect 
> with the K2.  HRD keeps stalling when updating the frequency 
> display.  The current release of HSE doesn't appear to work.  I'm 
> waiting for an update.
> As far as I can tell from research I've been able to do, there 
> are firmware problems in the K2 that make the interface 
> unreliable.  Elecraft says they don't have any room in their 
> program space to add any flow control.  Does anyone have any 
> information about this problem or comments about other control software?
> Regards
> Rich - KE1EV

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