My KDSP2 seems to operate normally except for two problems.
CW (widest bandwidth, 800Hz)
No problems when increasing the center frequency up to 1.1 kHz -
Spectogram confirms the filter setting.
However, setting the center frequency to 1.2 kHz seems to actually lower
the center frequency down to 1.0 kHz. 
Increasing further the center frequency set point results in LPASS being
dispayed, but now the filter setting seems to be exactly the same as
with 1.1 kHz center / 0.8 kHz bandwith. The pass band is not as broad as
expected, the lower frequency is a few hundreds rather than a few tens
of Hertz.
RTTY (widest bandwidth, 2 kHz)
Same problem as for CW.
No problems when increasing the center frequency up to 2.3 kHz.
However, setting the center frequency to 2.4 kHz seems to actually lower
the center frequency down to 2.2 kHz. 
Increasing further the center frequency results in LPASS being dispayed,
but now the filter setting seems to be exactly the same as with 2.3 kHz
center / 2.0 kHz bandwidth. 
Looks ok.
The bypass mode can be set to DSP BYP using the menu.
However, this does not actually bypass the KDSP2. In CW and RTTY, it
looks like a change to a 2.3 kHz center / 2.0 kHz bandwidth filter (same
as observed in RTTY LPASS mode). In SSB, it looks like a sharp filter
with a 1000 Hz low cut and a 2000 Hz high cut.
Any solution to this problem? Thanks in advance.
Vincent, G0LMX
K2 #5326
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