The KX2 firmware currently being field tested allows you to determine the ATU’s 
LC network settings while in the menu. (This feature will be added to the KX3 
as well.)

Below is the information needed to extract the actual L, C, and L-net 
configuration values from the information that is flashed on VFO A when you tap 
“ATU” in the new ATU DATA menu entry.


* * *

While in the ATU DATA (or ATU MD) menu entry, tap ‘ATU’ to obtain the L/C/Net 

The displayed data format is “LaaCbbNc;”, where: 

   aa = inductance bitmap in ASCII hex format 
   bb = capacitance bitmap in ASCII hex format 
   c = L network relay setting:

      A = capacitance on antenna side 
      T = capacitance on transmitter side 

Example: Suppose “L03C12NT” is flashed. The network setting is shown by the 
last character (A or T; see above).

Next, convert the L and C hexadecimal quantities to binary: 

   03 => 00000011 (L) 
   12 => 00010010 (C) 

Compare these values to the lists below, which show approximate L and C values 
for each bit of the binary word. In the example above, 00000011 for L means 
that two smallest inductors are switched in (.05 and .11 uH). Add these 
together to determine the total L value. Similarly, add up the selected 
capacitors based on the binary value 00010010.

        --------------- Binary Value ----------
         0     0     0     0     0     0     0
L, uH:   4.0   2.0   1.0   .5    .23   .11   .05  

        --------------- Binary Value ----------
         0     0     0     0     0     0     0
C, pF:   680   330   164   82    39    18    10

Note on L/C values:  The ATU uses industry standard 5 % values for C, and 
approximately 5% tolerance on toroidal inductors. L and C are not exact but 
will be monotonic over the required range of about 3 to 5 elements for a given 
match. In addition, all ATUs have stray L and C that will result in selection 
of somewhat different values than expected. This effect becomes more pronounced 
as the operating frequency increases.

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