
Check the end of L6 closest to the wire you added at trimmer cap CC - L6
should not connect to the trimmer pad, but it is close, so a slight solder
splash will cause a short there.


Good idea. As compelling is it may seem at times, something else like the
transistor failing by "coincidence" happens so seldom I can't think of a
single incidence that I've seen in half a century of fixing gear. I'm not
saying it hasn't happened, I just can't recall a case, but I can recall
many, many times where I chased phantoms convinced I had experienced a
coincidental failure before going back and finding the problem in something
I had worked on already. 

It's almost certainly something you touched while installing the KXB3080.
That includes an accidental "touching" like an accidental solder bridge. 

If the short is on the R1 (RF GAIN) / T2 side of inductor L6, my next steps
would be a very careful visual inspection of the traces and solder pads in
that direction. If that doesn't turn up anything, I'd pull the lead T2-2 to
disconnect the transformer from the circuit. Then you can see if the short
is in the  transformer or if it is something associated the circuit around
RF GAIN control R1. T2-2 is the green lead that goes right down through the
center of T2 into the solder pad (See Figure 4 in the manual). 



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