Good Evening once again,
The wheel has turned announcing another name. Nine billion is the magic number. When it has been named the scroll rolls up. It will be exciting. Maybe tomorrow's net will be exciting as well. Many of the regulars and one NCS is in Dayton, Ohio. Maybe he'll show up on 40 meters but maybe he will be too busy telling folks about Elecraft rigs to break free. If such is the case you will have me as NCS and anyone else who is able to act as one. I've been head down in circuit design, board layout, soldering and programming. I have interfaced a number of gadgets this week and hope to get a couple more in the main loop before too long. Now to get my interrupt timing correct. My soldering station has not been used for non-work related projects in quite a while. But this is just as much fun and I get paid for it so I cannot complain too much ;) I did launch an antenna earlier today so I can work with my ATS3 from bed. I had pulled it down for a field exercise a few weeks ago and had not replaced it. The biting flies did not help very much but my friendly hummingbirds are eating as many as they can so the population may reach steady state. I am filling the feeder once every two days right now so they must be in their second nesting period. They arrive in late February and are gone by mid July. The foxglove and fireweed will draw them away from the feeders soon. The neighboring clearcut is providing a great number of very long logs. I think they will wind up as someone's power poles since they were not cut down to dimension lumber lengths. Some of the earlier loads were of large diameter; I was told they were going to peel them for plywood at a mill near Salem. Only another couple of weeks and the Jake brakes won't awaken me at 3:30 AM. They are starting earlier because the fire danger is rising with the temperature. Their workday is done by 3 PM or earlier right now. Soon they will be required to stop loading by 1 PM. Considering I get to bed around 11 PM I have a short night's sleep. I am hoping for rain so they can get their hauling done soon! We are in a solar stream but there have been no aurorae. The 20 meter band was quiet earlier today but one can never tell what tomorrow may bring. 6 meters was open a few times this week so we may have good luck on 20 meters. Forty meters is normally troubled by Midwestern thunderstorm activity this time of year but if you can work around that we may hook up. I am hoping for low QRN so my ears won't take a beating.

    Please join us:
Sunday 2300z (Sunday 4pm PDT) 14050 kHz
Monday 0200z (Sunday 7pm PDT)  7045 kHz

   Until tomorrow,
          Kevin.  KD5ONS
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