Jay, W6CJ wrote:

Has anyone found some universal wire antenna lengths that will work 
with the
KX-1 and internal antenna tuner - over all four (80, 40, 30, 20) bands?
  I bought a 50ft roll of speaker wire from Radio Shack and un-zipped the two 
wires so I had an antenna wire and a counterpoise. It turned out mine was 51 
and a fraction feet long. I have not experimented with different lengths, just 
used what came on the spool. I find it loads very nicely on all 4 bands with 
the antenna wire as a sloper or inverted L, and the counterpoise stretched out 
or even place in a square or circle (e.g., around the periphery of a hotel 
  Your results may vary, of course.
  Ray K2HYD

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