Good Afternoon,

I took Wayne's advice and had a little fun during Field Day. I did want to work with other folks for a change but the cancellation at the very last minute did not allow me to find another group. So I worked about 220 contacts on 20, 40, and 80 meters using only CW with a solely search and pounce technique. I did get a couple hours of 40 contacts or more but I did take a number of hours off to do chores and to write some assembly language. It is my way of relaxing :)

I ran the entire time on emergency power (1E) but ran from two rigs, two sets of paddles, and five separate antennas from three locations. The power jumped all over the place from 3 watts to 100 watts. Since I am not submitting any log this does not matter. I just have fun handing out points to others and seeing who I can hear. It is fun to test my CW skills against the fast and slow ops. There were a wide variety of fists as well ;)

My goal was to beat what I did last year. I did that. I also wanted to work with a group of folks to get the full effect of the field day crowd. I did not get to do that. So a resolution for next year will be to start very early to find a group who will not bail out at the last minute. I also need to find a group who wants a CW operator. I was not successful with finding one in Oregon. Around here you have to be careful if you mention the mode. Too many folks are adamantly opposed to its use or even its existence. I had no idea of the depth of feeling until I mentioned how much fun I had running CW. I was never again welcome at that club!

Now to ask a favor of folks in Washington, Northern California, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, or Montana. Is there any group who would have me as a CW op for next year's Field Day? I am willing to travel with my radio and camping gear to work with a friendly group of folks. QRP or not, it does not matter to me. I just want to work CW. If there are others working voice and data modes that is fine. I simply want to find a group where I will not be shunned for mentioning my enjoyment of CW.

I've met a great number of very nice folks while working CW and especially after I started the Elecraft CW Net. I am sure I can find a group in the Pacific Northwest who will have me for next year's Field Day outing.
   Take care,
      Kevin.  KD5ONS

P.S. Next week we will have both nets at their normal times and frequencies.
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