Peer group pressure.  Don't ya' love it!  People are struggling to keep
up with 25 to 30 wpm yet we stay there.  I've often thought it would be
interesting in a contest to vary the speed depending on the size of the
pile up.  Fast for a large pile, slow for no pile.  There's just no
benefit in calling CQ FD over & over at 30 wpm.  Slow down to 12 and
pick up the slower S&P operators who would not have called you at 30.

I *almost* did what you suggested - calling CQ FD slowly.  I was
eyeballing the novice portion of 40 meters but just didn't.

Ironically, I didn't find the CW to be all that fast this year.  I was
sending at 15 to about 22 wpm.  Of course I guess it is all relative.
15 wpm is flying for some people.

Yea, I like the idea of starting a trend.

- Keith KD1E -
- K2 5411 -

-----Original Message-----

started calling at about 10-13 wpm ... Maybe we could start a trend.
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