I just went to reprogram my K1 message memories,
replacing the Field Day exchange messages.

I recorded a 3x3 CQ message in memory #1.

When I do that, I leave an interword gap between each
of the 3 'CQs' and then after the 'DE' and also
between the 'X' at the end of my call and the
following 'K' that begins it again.

However, on playback, the interword gaps between my
callsign repetitions are cut to intercharacter gap
times.   The 'K' immediately follows the 'X' as if it
was almost part of the same "word."  It sounds like I
am sending KZ1XKZ1XKZ1X.  Ecch.

Yet, the CQ CQ CQ DE <space> is just fine.

Attempting to put in a highly exaggerated interword
space makes no improvement.

Re-recording the 3x3 using the club call W4EZ (it's
ok, I'm the trustee!) in place of my own call plays
much better, with a suitable interword gap between the
'Z' and the next 'W' ...

Am I just getting dotty in my old age, hearing things,
or is this really happening?

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