On 2020-08-05 03:06:-0700, RICHARD Martin wrote:
>A how to video would be a very nice feature, but we must remember the cost
>of developing such a thing when our friends at Elecraft have to be in
>desperate need of cash.
>Thru most of my professional life, I have been responsible for the
>conception, prototyping, and manufacture of large scientific instruments
>($100K to $5M).  The cost of the manuals/documentation was typically equal
>to the development cost of the product.
>Dick KN6AA

I am interested in the KX2, so I am gathering info on the product line to see 
if that is what I want to buy. I skimmed the KX2 vid, and found that it was not 
very useful. It was large a sales pitch.

I have been involved with the dev of user manuals and operating procedures of 
complicated equipment, from stuff on the order of HP 15C calculators to 1100 MW 

The cost to produce manuals has dropped significantly since 1980, largely due 
to the drop in cost of typesetting. Ironically, I opine, the quality has 
declined. Companies no longer invest in producing good manuals and training 
material, as a result, I see most often that the mfg directs questions to user 
fora. The downside to this is obvious. New users, not knowing what to ask or 
how to phrase a question, flounder around wasting a tremendous number of 
person-hours. I offered to help develop some docs for a few popular products, 
and was told by the developers/companies to simply start using the products, 
learn them well, and then produce those docs.They would be much appreciated!!! 
I declined. I don't have the time to waste learning the products using "seek 
and find" techniques.

The cost of an HP-14C in 2020 USD  was prolly on the order of $250. I'll bet 
the manual cost $10K to develop, independent of typesetting.  But that cost was 
offset to some degree by the cost of the 15C and the number of them sold. 
Elecraft could easily pay attention to these fora, and regularly upgrade the 
manuals by posting new PDFs. 

I recently asked Elecraft a technical question that is not addressed in the 
manuals or on the web, and after 2 passes got a very nice succinct, clear, and 
complete answer. (Note that it took TWO cycles of emails to get that answer.) I 
immediately replied with thanks, and a recommendation that they add those 
comments to the web...and possibly manuals.

I don't need a printed manual with my device. I think that they can look nice 
and be useful, though. I do appreciate a PDF that is not write protected, so 
that I can make my own notes and correct mistakes. I also appreciate a manual 
that is updated regularly. I don't like trolling lists and doing web searches, 
just to get vital information, and it is not a good use of employee time to be 
answering such questions repeatedly. I simply save each PDF version with all 
its notes, and then I can look in each version that I have.

I think that well-produced videos, which abound on the web along with 
not-so-good vids, are very useful. I have seen a remark to the effect that 
someone was familiar with a different model of a radio, and when the newer one 
came out they were up and running in short order. But for someone not familiar 
with the product line, or perhaps not even familiar with radios in general, as 
a new ham, real howto vids can be most useful, I opine. I have been using Canon 
cameras for many years. I wanted a new point and shoot. So after reading 
reviews on various cameras (I am not especially brand-loyal) I decided to get a 
Canon. I had seen comments about how complicated it is for a PaS. I agree. But 
I found myself on familiar ground because of my years of experience w other 
Canons, so I was soon up and running. The other comments about it being 
complicated are valid, especially for one not already familiar with bigger 
Canon cameras.

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