Alexandra Carter wrote:
Yes, two completely different animals.

I recently bought an Icom IC-7000, my friend Dale got one and if it's good enough for him it's darned good.
I keep a schedule with WF5A Karl Hess, and he has to have the latest in radio and he also bought a Icom 7000 and he sounds real good. We both have the FT-857D and the FT-817 and know that we cut our teeth on the 817 with menue's and then got more menu's and then finally on the 7000 even more menu's :-)
My impressions so far are, Darned Good! But, which would I rather have out on the park here on our Thursday lunchtime get-togethers? Probably the K1 I'm building. Which is easiest to pull out of a backpack, throw a wire up into a tree, and work some CW from the bluffs overlooking Maverick's? Sure I can take the 7000 places but it needs many lbs of batts. The K1 was designed to take to the field with a modest battery.

The original point was, Why was I able to hear so much more on my 817 than on my KX1? And I think the conclusion was that I'd not built my KX1 right somehow, and some testing with a decent sig-gen and seeing if it would meet factory specs would have shown me that. 73 de Alex NS6Y.

Hi Alex, I have wanted a KX1 for years. Often you have been looking at that radio for a long time, you can't see the tree for the forest. If you want I will be glad to look at your KX1 and find the receiver problem. I need the radio and the manual if you would like to try this. I have put together a AT Sprint 3 which is 99% SM devices. I have a BIG magnifying light on an arm and all the tools you can need.

73 Karl

On Jul 11, 2006, at 8:19 AM, Karl Larsen wrote:

When you try to compare two radios you get into a can of worms. I own an FT-817 of about 5 years ago and it's a fine radio. It covers 6 meters and the two VHF-UHF bands that are not on a KX1.

But the KX1 uses less input power on receive and thus will last a lot longer on the internal battery pack.

   But the KX1 has no SSB and the FT-817 does.

You go around like this and miss the real good points of both radios :-)

The KX1 is made to be carried in a pack to hard to walk to places. It has a built in paddle and it works fine. I have taken my FT-817 on similar trips and it does well too, but it needs more battery.

So both radios do the same thing but the FT-817 does a few more tricks.

73 Karl K5DI

Alexandra Carter wrote:
I am very happy to announce that I am apparently all wet!

From the sound of it, the KX1 I built a couple of years ago had some undocumented "features" built in like perhaps the partial deafness problem. Some serious testing on my part would have sniffed this out and caused me to hunt down and solve the problem.

I am working on a K1 now, and when it's done I'll make sure it's recieving the way it ought to.

73 de Alex NS6Y

On Jul 10, 2006, at 1:56 PM, ron wrote:

I always thought them KX1's were far superior to them  817's!

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