I could embrace that, as I doubt (I do not know if) it would be a huge
development investment.  A bigger case with a new bigger front panel for
more/larger knobs, larger display, and analog S-meter;  As someone said, more
base/main station like.  Your old K2 could attach right to the new
control/display board and you would be off and running.  But who knows if it
would be worth the investment for Elecraft.

'T'would be sweet.

David, k3tue

--- "Fred (FL)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I feel, all Elecraft needs to consider - is creating
> a 2007 version of the K2, updated with 2006
> technology, 2006 microelectronics, better display,
> and a few bells and whistles to play with.
> What the HOO ---- bigger knobs, larger front
> panel to boot.  
> Call it the K2+ or K2MKII or K207 .... IMHO many
> new and previous K2 owners would buy it.  Consider
> how many auto owners upgrade to buy the latest
> VERSION of their favorite auto.  Happens every day.
> Unfortunately, in the U.S. auto industry - NEW
> MODELS may contain less features, and less
> quality. Ala no chrome, no metal bumpers, no
> HP, no 8 cylinders, no oil pressure ....
> If Elecraft told me I could buy the K2+ or K207
> - why wouldn't I want one?
> And this would give the Elecraft principals - more
> memory to play around in, and more technology to
> beef up the performance even more.  Its a win,
> win.
> Thanks,
> Fred
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