<Sniff>, I feel like such a newbie.

First licensed 1972.

50 years ago plus a few days, a 13-year old kid feverishly tore open a 
little envelope and for the first time saw the call sign that would 
identify him to the radio world.  Dated October 30, 1956, that 'ticket' 
and those letters (less one 'N') have been with me since, through so 
many jobs, a couple of marriages, kids being born and kids growing up, 
foreign lands, cats, dogs, motorcycle wrecks, you name it.

I intend to have a cold 807 this afternoon in honor of everyone that's 
added to my enjoyment of radio over the past 50 years, those who helped 
me learn the code, lent me equipment when I had no money, helped me put 
up antennas, and yes, produced kits that gave me hours of pleasure and 
inspired a tube-oriented guy to learn a little about today's 
electronics.  Thanks, guys.
Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA

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