I've found the 1394 to be useful, too.

Do we have a photos area?  I could put up a picture of the base I
constructed which is just a small chassis with the stock Hakko holder
screwed to it, a lighted AC switched socket so I don't have to
actually unplug the thing, and small screws up through the chassis to
act as posts to store the extra tips.  It makes the 808 even more

73, doug

   Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2006 21:21:43 -0700
   From: Doug Person <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


   There are finer tips for the Hakko 808.  The A1003 tip is much smaller 
   (about half the diameter) than the standard one supplied.    I have 
   rarely had to pull out the role of Chem-wick to get a component out - 
   but it happens occasionally.


   73, Doug -- K0DXV

   John Reiser wrote:
   > Hi,
   > I've noticed that lots of folks on this list praise highly the Hakko 808 
desoldering tool.  My question is: which tip do you all use?
   > I own a Hakko 808, and find it too clumsy with the tip that comes with it 
to be much use for Elecraft and other kit boards.  For example, I believe it 
would be completely useless for doing the 80-30 mod to the KX1.  I have tried 
the tool, and don't like it.  I hardly ever use it anymore.  I have come to 
much prefer 1/10" Chem-wick for any desoldering that I have had to do.
   > It occurs to me that maybe with a longer or thinner tip the Hakko might 
live up to its reputation.  But which one, and where does one acquire it?
   > Thanks and 73,
   > John, W2GW
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