Albers wrote:
Anyone see any major pitfalls with this approach??

Tom, N6BT (founder of Force 12) has been known to say, "Everything will radiate." He often shows pictures of his "Illuminator" antennas to prove it. One is a light bulb on a post fed with coax and a current balun at the socket. He's actually worked a surprising amount of DX on it. He also has the "Phased Illuminator," three bulbs in a Vee arrangement with the power divided between them.

My main antenna for the low bands is a non-resonant inverted vee about 70' at the apex, about 155ft on each leg, with the legs ending just a bit over head height, and a central angle of about 120 deg. It opens to the east. I adjusted the leg lengths to give tractable impedances at the feed point on 30 - 160, and a section of 450 ohm ladder line (length calculated using N6BV's TLW that comes with the ARRL Antenna Book 20th ed) feeding a 4:1 DX Engineering balun near the bottom of the tower w/ coax to the house. It is pretty much omnidirectional on 40 and below, and a cloud warmer on 80 and 160. The pattern gets pretty goofy above 30m.

My guess is that your arrangement may exhibit similar characteristics, but then, antennas can be magic. Stick it into EZNEC and see?

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw
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