Well, I must have missed the memo. I thought this was the "Elecraft" list. But
for the past couple weeks, it appears to be a general discussion list. I though
the various and sundry "QRP-L" lists were more for that. Of course, I note a lot
of cross-posting, so I guess folks like to see their words of "wisdom" on
several lists.

I wonder where one finds information about the K3 and K2, etc? Maybe on the
"Bird-watchers" list?

   _    _    _    _    _
  / \  / \  / \  / \  / \   John L. Sielke
 ( W )( 2 )( A )( G )( N )  http://w2agn.net
  \_/  \_/  \_/  \_/  \_/   http://www.blurty.com/users/w2agn
 Member screwed by QRP-ARCI! http://w2agn.net/noarci.html
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