Craig Rairdin wrote:
> There are several pieces of good news here:
> 1) Delayed gratification is good for the soul. It builds character.
> 2) More time to wait equals more time to gather and count more change for
> more options.
> 3) Third production run is plenty of time to get all the bugs out. I'll
> probably be applying patches (software at least; hardware maybe) to my low
> serial number K3 while you're happily plugging yours in.
> 4) All your options will be available when you get your radio. I have to
> wait for my subreceiver until September I think.
> And there are some lessons to be learned:
> 1) The early bird gets the worm.
> 2) Sometimes you go to Dayton and all you DO get is this lousy t-shirt.
> 3) A penny saved is another 9 months waiting for your K3.
> 4) Failure to plan on your part does not constitute an emergency on anyone
> else's part.
> 5) There is a penalty for early withdrawal of retirement funds, regardless
> of Elecraft's new product announcements.
> With all this going for you, you'll be a much better person when your K3
> finally arrives.
> Craig
> NZ0R
> KX1 #1499
> K1 #1966
> K2/100 #4941
> K3/100 < #220

Just curious, does the purchase of a K3 make one arrogant and patronizing, or is
it a prerequisite?

  _    _    _    _    _
 / \  / \  / \  / \  / \   John L. Sielke
( W )( 2 )( A )( G )( N )
 \_/  \_/  \_/  \_/  \_/
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