Oh my, I hope not ....

Shades of 14178  ....  terrible amateur 
practice, and ... at times ... patently illegal.

73! Ken Kopp - K0PP


The ESSB the K3 transmits is perfectly in keeping with normal Amateur

Note that there are *NO* FCC rules about the bandwidth of an SSB (or other)
signal that say a certain bandwidth is "illegal".

ESSB, properly done as the K3 does it, uses no more spectrum than AM phone,
which is perfectly within the normal amateur practice on the phone bands.
(Actually, the last I heard, the K3 ESSB mode occupies *less* than the 6 kHz
of a normal AM phone signal). 

If you haven't listened to ESSB on a good ESSB receiver when conditions are
good, you're missing a treat. 

It's true that narrow-band SSB will get "communications" through where ESSB
won't under bad conditions but, in my mind, that does not make ESSB any less
of a mode, just as SSB isn't any less of an acceptable mode just because it
occupies many times the bandwidth of a CW signal.

This is one of those subjects that has created a great many extreme (and
impolite) claims that the practice is "illegal". Even though I'm a CW
operator, they are patiently nonsense to me. Perhaps it's because I've been
pounding brass long enough to remember absurd petitions half a century ago
to make "phone" illegal on the Ham bands because it took up too much
spectrum space! 

One of the important activities we Hams participate in is experimenting with
various signal formats (or "modes" if you prefer). Fortunately, our licenses
in most countries give us a lot of latitude about what is legal. Certainly
the USA is a very lenient country in that regard. I would hope our Hams
could be as lenient as the FCC, but there are always extremists pounding on
their pulpits about the absurdity and unfairness of it all. It's their right
in our society to say those things. 

If you'd like to read one of many reasonably balanced views of the use of
ESSB, check this web site. I don't know the fellow, but from what I've read
of his site, I agree with him.


But then, I tend to agree with most who speak in terms of moderation...


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