> If you'd like to read one of many reasonably balanced views 
> of the use of ESSB, check this web site. I don't know the 
> fellow, but from what I've read of his site, I agree with him.
> http://www.icycolors.com/nu9n/apologetics_2.html
> But then, I tend to agree with most who speak in terms of 
> moderation...

That site is full of misinformation and is hardly "moderation." 

Many years ago AT&T (Bell Labs) proved rather conclusively that 
an audio bandwidth of less than 3 KHz (generally about 2.4 - 2.7 
KHz) was all that was necessary for reasonable "communications 
quality" or "tool grade" voice.  Most communications services - 
including government HF voice circuits and the US amateur rules 
for 60 Meters - are based on 2.5 KHz "Channels" (2K4J3E USB with 
a slight "guard band").  That makes a very good standard against 
which to judge "minimum necessary bandwidth" - particularly on a 
crowded band.  There is no communications requirement for a 6 (or 
even 5) KHz audio bandwidth - that's equivalent to the old "remote 
broadcast lines" that Ma Bell made available only on a limited 
basis through much of the history of analog telephony.  

Anyone who makes the "AM requires 6 KHz" argument is comparing 
apples and oranges.  6 KHz AM (6K00A3E) represents a highest 
modulating frequency of 3 KHz - comparable to 2K70J3E!  Most 
amateurs will relax the minimum bandwidth a little and accept 
2.7 or 2.8 KHz vs. 2.4 KHz at the 6 dB points.  That represents 
an audio response of 200 Hz or 300 Hz to 3 KHz.  However, there 
is no intelligent reading of Part 97 that supports (justifies) 
the use of 4K00J3E, 5K00J3E or 6K00J3E any more than it will 
support 8K00A3E (8 KHz wide AM - 100 Hz  to 4 KHz audio) or 
10K00A3E (10 KHz wide AM - 100 Hz to 5 KHz audio).  
The ESSB argument is nothing more than a small group of individuals 
saying "I will do it because I have the technology to do it."  
That's the same as saying "I'm going to drive 160 MPH on the 
interstate because my car can go that fast."  It's a dangerous, 
selfish and short sighted attitude.  


   ... Joe, W4TV 

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