Now I'm confused.  From the FAQ's:
If the transverter option is not installed, can the K3 use ANT2 as a de
facto RX ANT?

Yes.  If the KXV3 is not installed, you can designate either antenna to
either receiver.
I can't see why I would have to order the transverter option
(which I have no use for) to use two antennas.

Bob  W6VY

--- Bill Tippett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> G4GED:
>  >Simply put, my primary initial use for the K3 would be for 160m
> DXing using
> seperate RX antennas, so an RX-only i/p port is essential.
>  >Please dont confuse me with too many fancy options. If I order the
> basic
> unit+ Sub rcvr, what's the  minimum accessory  I need to order to
> provide a
> RX-only i/p port function for the use intended above?
>          Dave you need a KXV3 to get a primaryRX ANT input for the 
> Main RX.  The Sub RX can
> use ANT 1 (TX antenna) or it can use the AUX RF
> input for a secondary RX antenna input.  The
> K3 may not come wired for the latter but I am
> told it can be configured by the user that way.
> This all assumes you do not have the KAT3
> which provides yet another alternative with ANT 2.
>          I may wire up an external Magic-T splitter
> to split my RX antenna between RX ANT and AUX RF.
> This way I can use the same RX antenna for both
> receivers which might be useful when operating
> split with a pileup.  For diversity RX, I would
> use my vertical TX array (ANT 1) to the Main RX
> and would use a Beverage on AUX RF (after it
> went through the splitter).  There will be a 3
> dB loss to both sides of the splitter output but
> this is not a significant issue for the low bands
> where you are normally using RX antennas.
>          In summary, order your K3 with KRX3 and
> KXV3.  This should give you exactly what you
> need.  I believe there may eventually be an
> antenna only module which will preclude the need
> for a KXV3, but I also want the wideband buffered
> IF OUT on the KXV3 for an SDR bandscope, so I
> don't feel too bad about getting the $79 KXV3.
>                                  73,  Bill  W4ZV
> P.S.  Think I got this right but Ed W0YK will
> correct me if I didn't.
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