Sandy wrote:
There has been an IARU bandplan that just came out. NOW is the time to support it and restrict contests to the sectors that are befitting the mode.

The RTTY guys run rampant all over the band and are making HF comms "hell" for others who would like a piece of the pie too. This will get worse as modes like CW and AM become "obsolete" in their eyes.

There IS a simple solution: retrict the contests to a small slice of the band.

The same thing happens when there is a major <you name it> contest .....
The CW guys say the SSB guys run rampant all over the band ......
And the CW guys say the CW contesters run rampant all over the band .....
The QRP guys say that when ever there is a non-QRP event on the band ....

It's hard to restrict the "running rampant". As more and more of us retire it
should be less and less of a problem on weekends!

72  73    Hank    K8DD

If God intended you to be on single sideband,
he would have given you only one nostril.
- Steve, K2PTS (SK)

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