Yea, I think we have.  Or at least the list has shifted and isn't the
same as it was.

It is the K3's fault.

Prior to the K3, we were all engaged in buying & building K1, K2, KX1
and mini-module units.  Now with the K3, I suspect most of us are on
hold.  We've ordered our K3 but are not ordering K1s, K2s, KX1s since we
need that money to pay for the K3.

My plans have changed.  I was planning on a K1.  Instead I'm in K3
limbo, waiting for my order to be filled.  I was planning on the DSP for
my K2 but no longer.  K3 will do that.

So with no building going on at my QTH there's nothing to talk about
except K3 deliveries, iambic paddles, and silly blonde jokes.

Will it ever come back?  Once the K3 gets out there I bet you'll see a
bunch of traffic about the assembly and operation of that rig.
Eventually the K3 wave will subside somewhat and you'll see more K1/2/X1
posts in the mix.  I bet it will take many months (years?) though.

Of course, when Elecraft comes out with the KPA800 and KPA1500 kits,
that will stir a bunch of kit building posts again.

- Keith N1AS -
- K2 5411.ssb.100 -
- K3 Wave 3 - 

-----Original Message-----
From: john-n4dsp

This reflector used to be a Gold Mine for builders. It was fun sifting
through it and learning what others were experiencing and solutions
being offered by the Ron, Don, and Tom.

Lately it has become a place to post comments and feelings and most of
the time nothing related to the reflector's original intention. Am I the
only one to notice this? 
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