My experience tends to be just the opposite.  You tend to get a good
schedule from engineering as they often take their best estimate and
multiply it by 1.5 or 2.  This gives a cushion for delays and oppsies.
Project managers and marketing, now that is another level.  They tend to
never want to leave a cushion, expecting beyond all past experience that
things will go -perfectly- "this" time.

David Wilburn
K2 S/N 5982

On Thu, 2007-11-01 at 12:37 -0700, Darwin, Keith wrote:
> It is unfortunate that those of us who ordered early, expecting a
> delivery in July, didn't get a rig when we thought we would, or even
> when the updates said it would be finished.
> But I believe that is the ONLY thing that hasn't been according to plan.
> - Price has not changed.
> - Performance has been as good or better than promised.
> - Quality is as promised if not better.
> - The order of delivery remains constant.  The ones who ordered first
> get their rigs first.
> I've worked in engineering too long.  I know that you cannot believe an
> engineer when he gives you a schedule.  Sorry, but we engineers are not
> good at it.  Elecraft is doing their best and fortunately for us, their
> best means we get a great performing radio that is a great price.
> Personally, I've taken every schedule from Elecraft with a large grain
> of salt, thus keeping my expectations rather low.
> - Keith N1AS -
> - K2 5411.ssb.100 -
> - K3 Wave 3 -
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