I appreciate being able to fire up my K2 and enjoy
whatever HF operating suits the moment.  I can't say
its clearly superior to other rig choices that could
be in my shack, but it is there, and I assembled it
myself.  Original motivation was to experience the
build, and use it as a QRP supplement to my higher
powered rig.  Then i discovered an interest in
low-band DX - i wanted a rig with a receiver 'at least
as good as a K2.'  Well the other options were less
affordable than upgrading my K2 (and I already knew
how to use it, so i thought).  So I am enjoying 80m
propagation (which is quite interesting) with my
K2/100 and a modest vertical.  And I decided it's time
for an autotuner for more seamless operating in the
next contest (particularly on 80m where CW spectral
use does expand up the band).  Nice the same rig can
QRP, as we have enjoyed using K2's in FD battery class
(we had 4 available last year, and now another
participant has built a K2 so now there are 5 around
representing 3-digit thru the latest serial numbers.  

Yes a list that was once merely people who soldered
their rigs together has expanded a bit.  In 2008 the
K3 matters should settle down a bit, and folk will
continue to use and advance their K2's.  These rigs
are 'merely' windows into enjoying what propagation
(and what antennas we can deploy) allows.  So those of
us with mere K2's or K1's or KX1's can continue to

73, curt

--- Goody K3NG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I was away from this reflector for several years
> after I built my K1 
> (#505), just due to email volume and other things
> going on.  I returned 
> recently when I heard of the K3.  Several years ago
> there were a lot of 
> "mojo" posts that gave you a warm, fuzzy feeling
> inside.  You'd hear of 
> folks' first QSOs with a K1 or K2 or the gazillion
> miles per watt 
> contacts or just everyday yet memorable contacts. 
> You could feel the mojo.
> Does your rig and the operator on that key or mic
> still have that mojo?  
> Let's hear about.
> 72
> Goody
> -- 
> Blog: http://thek3ngreport.blogspot.com/
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