
Sorry, but the Low Pass Filters are shared between 2 bands on the 4 band board. So 80 and 40 are not possible since 40 meters is the 2nd harmonic of 80 meters.

You could change the 2 band board to an 80/40 board (or just buy a new one) and save a lot of swaps. The only problem with the overlap of the two boards is that you will have to readjust the operating frequency for 40 meters for each board as it is installed, since the K1 only remembers one setting for any one band, and there is certain to be a small variation in the crystal frequencies between the two boards.

When the sunspots return you will not have to drop to 80 as often and the 4 band board will likely be more useful.


Christopher A. Kantarjiev wrote:

It sure would be nice to have a 4-band module that covers 80/40/30/20.

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