Good Evening,
   That was fun!  The forty meter net was very well attended due to the good 
conditions we experienced.  I had some help from Kent, K9ZTV, too.  With 
practice he may become as good at NCS as Tom; I don't have a snowball's chance 
:)  Seems like QSB was most everywhere with different depths and varieties 
effecting each contact.  From slow rolling waves to fast flutter we heard them 
all.  There was quite a bit of strong QRM on my end so I had to ask for a few 
repeats.  Once again there were some very weak stations who made it.  One of 
them wrote me a note stating he'd been trying for three years to check in.  
Thank you for your diligence and determination!
   Once again Ken has the harshest winter weather of us all.  While it is 
raining down in California he is expecting 20 below zero with 50 mph winds.  
Brrr!  He does have enough snow to use as insulation though so hopefully his 
house will stay warm.  Mike, on the other hand, went motoring on his cycle in 
25 degree weather.  He mentioned being a bit chilly but his fist was steady as 
was his signal.  Speaking of good signals Jay's new K3 just about broke my 
headphones with his note on 20 meters.  When he checked in on 40 meters he had 
cranked the power down to a less painful level.  I advised him to give the rig 
a one hour rest each day so he could get some sleep.  Seems like the K3 is just 
too much fun!

The lists =>

On 14050 kHZ at 2300z:
W6JD - Doug - CA - K3 - 23
WB3AAL - Ron - PA - K2 - 1392     QNI #25!!
N0SS - Tom - MO - K3 - 008
W6ZH - Pete - CA - K2 - 5138
W0CZ - Ken - ND - K2 - 1031
W0JFR - John - CO - K2 - 4507
K4DXU - Bill - TN - K3 - 175
K9ZTV - Kent - MO - K3 - 21
N0BK - Bruce - MN - K2 - 3646
AB9V - Mike - IN - K2 - 3993
KD3Y - Ed - MI - K2 - 1999
K6DGW - Fred - CA - K2 - 4398     QNI #70!!!
N0AR - Scott - MN - K2 - 4866
N9IV - Russ - IN - K2 - 4650      QNI #50!!!
KT5E - Jay - CO - K3 - 274
KS7D - Mike - FL - K3 - 118       QNI #15!!

On 7045 kHz at 0100z:
W0CZ - Ken - ND - K2 - 1031
AB9V - Mike - IN - K2 - 3993
W0JFR - John - CO - K2 - 4507     QNI #20!!
W6ZH - Pete - CA - K2 - 5138
K6PJV - Dale - CA - K2 - 5345
W0SZ - Steve - CO - K3 - 176
K6DBG - Chris - CA - K2 - 3641
K9ZTV - Kent - MO - K3 - 21 
KD3Y - Ed - MI - K2 - 1999
K8CN - Mike - NH - K2 - 5569
K1EV - Bill - CT - K2 - 2152
WC7S - Dale - WY - K2 - 4360      QNI #5!
K2HYD - Ray - NC - KX1 - 608
KC0V(KN) ??? - Joe - IA    Not sure, conditions were not good
WA3UCR - Bill - NC - K2 - 4716
KL7CW - Rick - AK - KX1 - 798
N0AR - Scott - MN - K2 - 4866
N0BK - Bruce - MN - K2 - 3646
KT5E - Jay - CO - K3 - 274
KS7D - Mike - FL - K3 - 118
AE6GC - Jack - CA - KX1 - 1403    QNI #15!!
KE4RVT - Dwayne - GA - K2 - 2678

   Quite a list in my estimation.  I think we may be getting something right; 
the bands, the times, or some other cosmic occurrence.  If there are any errors 
in the above list please bring them to my attention and I'll repair the 
database.  I've noticed the sun is rising above the mountain to my south a 
little earlier and a little higher each day.  Spring, even though we cannot 
feel it, will be back one of these days.  However, I was on my roof early today 
in the snow storm inspecting my antenna and untangling the feedline from the 
large fir tree supporting it.  As WC7S says: the best antennas are made under 
the worst conditions.  It appears he took his advice of lighting a fire under 
his antenna.  He had been complaining of the RF simply falling to the ground 
and causing a drift due to the sub-zero temperatures.  Maybe an antenna 
preheater would make a nice addition to his shack gadgetry ;)
   Until next Sunday stay well,
         Kevin.  KD5ONS   (Net Control Operator 5th Class)

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