
I would place the low pass filter between the K2/100 and the KAT100 in any case. For any LPF to behave properly, it must be terminated in 50 ohms (or something close), and that is not realized with the LPF connected on the output of the KAT100.

Any low pass filter worth its salt should not create any non-linearity - but again, if it is not properly terminated, the cutoff frequency may not be where you expect it to be.


Phil Kane wrote:
  At present, I am using the K2/100 to feed a KAT100 antenna
  tuner.  A 160m-10m dipole is connected to the KAT100 as ANT 1
  through a low-pass filter and a dummy load is connected as ANT
  2, controlled from the K2.

  I am in the process of installing another antenna (40m-10m
  vertical) as my prime antenna and the dipole will be my
  secondary antenna.  For ease of operation I would install one
  as ANT 1 and the other as ANT 2. To take advantage of the
  low-pass filter for both antennas I am considering installing
  it between the K2/100 and the KAT2.

  My concern is with non-linear components in the KAT100 RF path
  that would generate harmonics and negate the advantage of the
  filter. Sampling diodes, as in a SWR bridge, are always suspect.
  If this is to be a problem, I would have to get a second filter,
  one for each antenna, which is something that I really don't want
  to do unless I have to.

  Anyone have words of wisdom based on practical experience?

   73 de K2ASP - Phil Kane
   Elecraft K2/100   s/n 5402

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