Hi Keith:

Back in 'the good/bad old days'... when we used model 43 teleprinters,
well before computers, 60 WPM RTTY (45.45 baud) characters were SENT
at 45.45 bauds, but they were generated at or below the speed at which
the operator could type. If he could type 60 WPM, then there was a
steady (60 WPM) stream of characters sent out... if he typed at 20 WPM,
then there was a stream of 45.45 baud characters... spaced out more
widely between each (sent) character. When we started using paper tapes,
the stream of 45.45 baud characters was continuous while the tape was
being read and sent.

With a computer, if text is 'buffered' for sending, then it will be
sent out (still at 45.45 baud character generation speed) but also at
60 WPM character speed.

If someone is using the K3's CW-to-RTTY feature, and sending at 20 WPM,
it will be much akin to watching someone TYPING RTTY using the hunt 'n
peck typing method... maybe the 1-finger typing method.  There will NOT
be added <spaces> between characters (as long at the CW-sending operator
sends good clean CW at whatever speed he's sending. IF, however the CW
op allows excessive spaces between characters within a word (e.g. sends
"HEL LO" instead of "HELLO" the K3 will interpret the first attempt to be
two words and it WILL 'force' a word space between the two chunks of
the intended single word, so the RTTY op will receive "HEL LO" instead of

So... the name of the game when using the K3's CW-to-RTTY conversion

The K3 can't 'guess' at what you wanted to send, nor can it guess at
whether the text you sent was properly spaced... it will send WHAT YOU
SEND! So there's not reason to try to impress anyone with sending faster
than YOU can send cleanly... because your fist WILL be reflected in what
the K3 spits out...!  A good way to tell, is to have CW DECODE enabled
while you are sending... if you see garbage being decoded on-screen
while you're sending, then you're probably the cause of that garbage.
BACK OFF and regroup!


Tom   N0SS

I'm absolutely clueless when it comes to RTTY (call me a RTTY-iot :-).
When doing RTTY the old fashioned way (with a teletype machine) how fast
are chars sent?  I'm assuming they are sent at the operator's typing
speed.  With a computer, are RTTY messages buffered and sent in a burst
when the OP hits send or are they sent 1 char at a time?

If a person generates RTTY from the K3's keyer at 20 wpm is the RTTY
going to look odd to the receiver because of excessive inter-char gaps
or are those gaps rather common since many of us type slower than 60

- Keith N1AS -
- K2 5411.ssb.100 -
- K3 Wave 3 -

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Hammond

The 'baud rate' is always that user for RTTY( 45.45 bauds), BUT the RATE
at which the characters are actually SENT depends upon how fast you can
send them to the K3 using the internal keyer...
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