At 04:35 AM 2/15/2008, Simon Brown (HB9DRV) wrote:
Actually I gave some thought to this project this morning, specifically allowing many programs simultaneous and transparent access to a K3 where the programs talk K3 CAT.

My conclusion is that it's easy, the hard part having been written already by Phil N8VB, specifically his virtual serial cables. I have all the code I need for this, once running programs such as DXLab, the CW Skimmer program etc. would just connect to a virtual serial port such as COM22. I see no show-stoppers, performance would be / could be excellent.

A few weeks ago I needed to have one serial output feed several serial inputs and assumed that N8VB's VCOM could be set up as a virtual Y" cable to allow this, but was not able to get it to work - it would allow only one output per input. If there is a way, I would like to know how - I still need this functionality.

Jerry W4UK
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