It is my forecast that delivery times will not be improved for
long...quite the opposite.

Once the "rest of the ham world" gets wind of the Sherwood (and
presumably closely matching ARRL) data, the K3 orders will go through
the roof (no pun intended).

I would expect orders to start showing up on an order of magnitude of
10 or more "real soon" after this information hits the streets and is
"confirmed" by famous Contesters and DXers...some of whom are taking
delivery now.  It won't take long for DX and Contest Clubs to
disseminate this information to their membership.

I would also expect the K3 base price to go up too (in other
words...if you're still sitting on the fence, put it gear NOW).

Sure hope the Aptos guys have a strong contingency plan for the deluge.

de Doug KR2Q

PS.  Glad I got my 2nd one ordered this past November!!!  Especially
glad since I have played with #295 this past weekend.  Can't get
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