I don't think the MOJO will get overwritten with more additions. Instead it is muliplied so, that there is more MOJO! From Mojo to MAJOR MOJO.

Gary, N7HTS

On Thu, 28 Feb 2008 14:08:43 -0800 (PST)
 Ralph Tyrrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The readers of this reflector, at least the Elecraft
owners, have observed and felt the Mojo feeling. This
has been documented many times on this reflector.
Where is the Mojo in these radios?
Hardware is hardware. The careful selection of
hardware and how it is put together, at least for me
does not explain the Mojo. I have a K1, #1423, and
have felt the Mojo many times. From my Georgia QTH to
Oregon to get into ECN, Kevin once remarked that he
heard me by ESP and that Wayne was working on a better
ESP filter. That to me comfirms that Mojo it

300 MW to work VP6DX shows that the K3 Mojo it still
there. My theory is that Mojo it must be in the software. The K1, KX1 and K2 have "fixed" Mojo, not easy to
I am waiting for a K3, ordered in October. I am
begining to worry about the K3 Mojo. So many wish
lists and changes to the software.  Is the file length
of K3 upgrades getting longer and longer? Will the K3
memory hold all these wish list items? At some point
will the upgrades overwrite the original Mojo that is
hidden in the memory and then some of it will be lost?

Concerned in the waiting queue.

73, Ty,  W1TF

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