
Based on your scenario, it would take me a few hours operating a contest to 
make a decision, but I feel confident that I could pick the better receivers 
out of the group, "for my purposes."  

Now, this may not be the same selection that someone else makes.  However, if 
you have a large enough group of operators and ask them to pick the best 2 or 
3 rigs, over a period of time, you should arrive at the best rig.

Relative to the specification numbers.  They are part of the equation.  One 
of my criteria for a good receiver is its fatigue factor (sorry, there are no 
none numbers for this parameter, its all subjective).  But, the numbers 
associated with the AGC parameters, the blocking characteristics, the IMD numbe
etc., all add up to affect that fatigue factor.  Other things that you do not 
normally see in the published data are the specific characteristics/parameters 
of the components, processors and circuits that pass the audio portion of the 
signal.  For me, these can have significant impact on my fatigue factor.   
Someone else has mentioned the TS830.  I had one for several years, and did 
numerous mods, including INRAD filters in both IF's.  Until I started using a K
2, it 
was my standard reference rig.  Subsequent rigs (TS850 and FT1000MP, both 
with INRAD filters) never approached the 830's low fatigue factor.  But both of
those newer rigs had better numbers.

So, what does all of this mean?  The low fatigue factor allows your brain to 
do more of the signal processing.  The "strange noises" that some rigs 
generate impact your brain's ability to process the audio.  As a result, the be
number rigs have a better chance of having a low fatigue factor, but it is not 
a guarenteed situation.  As they say...YMMV.

Henry - K4TMC
Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL 
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