Hi Mike:

Upon a recent used (Built) K2 purchase, I have been told by two K2 builder/operators that since the K2 has the DSP installed, I didn't need the noise blanker. I was under the impression that the noise blanker targeted man made systematic noise while the DSP worked more on the signal end of things. Does DSP filter out the things that the noise blanker previously took care of or am I wrong?

The KDSP offers Noise REDUCTION, but NOT an effective noise BLANKER!!!

The noise reduction is quite good at what it does, and that's reducing the
background noise during reception... but it's NOT a replacement if you need

As with just about any blanker, the noise blanker must 'see' the appropriate
type (characteristics) of noise before it can do a decent of of blanking it,
but when it DOES see the right noise, it will do a very nice job. It likes
to see repetitively-spiked noises, such as line noise, ignition noise, and
the noise your XYL's electric mixer or the neighbor's electric fencer makes.


Tom Hammond   N0SS

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