
Put the K2 into CW test mode (in CW, press and hold the MODE button), set the power level to something above 11 watts - press TUNE and measure the voltage at KPA100 U1 pin 5. The voltage will normally be close to 0.6 volts.

If the above measurement is correct and you still cannot adjust CAL TPA, then I suggest that you replace the KPA100 MCU.

OTOH, If the measured voltage is substantially different than 0.6 volts, check the KPA100 bias as instructed in the manual - if that is found to be grossly incorrect, check R5, R6 and Q3 (refer to the schematic) to be certain these components are receiving the proper voltages during transmit (use CW TEST mode).


Ian Greenshields wrote:
After repeating the power calibration on my K2 KPA100 due to low
output power, I found the CAL tPA function had reset to 0C and can no
longer be adjusted.

Having pressed EDIT from the CAL tPA display, the display shows tPA
0C, but turning the VFO knob has no effect on the display, it remains
resolutely at 0C.

Scanning the archives dug up a couple of similar issues, but no
solution. Has anyone seen this? Is the there a fix? Is my brain
disconnected & I'm doing something stupid (most likely scenario, I'll

I'm now concerned that having fixed the output power, the fan won't
switch on when it's needed.

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