IMHO, that is said most poetically in the King James version of the Bible - Ecclesiastes 3:1: "To every thing there is a season, and a time for every purpose under the heaven." Pete Seegar also wrote and performed a very nice musical interpretation of that passage.

All good things will be available in their own time. Unfortunately, there is not unanimous support for the order of things - but fortunately, the principles at Elecraft are receptive to customer input and are willing to alter the priority order if there is sufficient support among the customer community.


Lee Buller wrote:
All these musings about AM and FM modes and such are interesting reading. It all takes time. In a year or two, The K3 will be a better radio with all the bells and whistles you want. It just takes time.
We live in a linear time universe...and on this planet....time is a 
constant....which I am sure will be debated as well.  I am not a 
physicist...but my Momma always said I had to wait until the cookies were done 

"The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time."  
Abraham Lincoln

"I've seen the future, and it's much like the present -- only longer."
Dan Quisenberry

"There is time for everything"
Thomas Edison

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