
Fine on your progress with this fine rig.  I plan to
continue to enjoy my own K2 as the flagship rig of my

On PSK31 and digital modes -- you don't need to modify
your K2 -- check out the application note posted at  essentially all you need is a stereo
cable on receive, a mic connector and a few parts on
transmit, and some means to do the T/R switching.  

The kids will 'resonate' with PSK31 based upon their
other PC experiences.  

Remember to run the K2 at approx half power when doing
the digital modes !!  

I have seen PSK31 at field day, and it tends to be
rather tough in the pile-ups -- so calling CQ may be
preferred if you run QRP-battery/solar.  Meanwhile
PSK31 may be ideal for non-contest operating with your

This is NOT the ideal time for QRP-SSB !  You just
might need that amp.  

Do check the calendar for kids-day events, as this may
charm them more than an array of 599 my state-is
reports.  And consider scheds to other schools or
kids.  Here in Maryland, a contact station is KI3DS.  

73, curt

--- Brian Lloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> OK, We just finished the K2 for our school. I was
> planing to teach the  
> kids to solder and wanted a radio that the kids
> could build so I asked  
> the ARRL for the K2 instead of the low-end Ikensu
> (Yaecomwood?) they  
> were offering. I remember how much I learned from
> building Heathkits,  
> Knight kits, and Eico kits as a kid so I thought we
> could do the same  
> with the K2.
> Construction took much of the school year (October
> to April) including  
> a few dry spells when I sat after school and "slung
> solder" just so we  
> would keep making forward progress. (It was a big
> project for 10-13  
> year-old kids.) Regardless, the K2, KSB2, and KNB2
> are finished and on- 
> the-air. The KPA100 is now in the build area and my
> "star" builders  
> (5th graders who think that soldering is just about
> as much fun as you  
> can have) have just unpacked, taken inventory, and
> soldered the first  
> parts. (I took inventory too and couldn't find the
> output transistors.  
> I darned near tore my hair out until I found the
> drawer where they had  
> been carefully, neatly, and incorrectly stored.) We
> have 5 more weeks  
> of school so we are going to have to push to get the
> KPA100 done,  
> especially with all the other end-of-year projects.
> (I suspect I will  
> have to keep the momentum going. Poor me. :-) I
> think I have said that  
> we will be on the air for Field Day using the K2
> with solar power. I  
> hope to have a couple who will be ready to do some
> slow-and-simple CW  
> QSOs too. Gotta get those multipliers!
> I know everyone is dumping their K2s so they can get
> a K3 but, gee- 
> whiz, the K2 is some good receiver. I *love* this
> radio! I have had a  
> LOT of radios come and go in the shack
> (top-of-the-line Kenwood, two  
> sets of Collins S-Line, several Icom, a Yaesu
> station, and a plethora  
> of Heathkits) and I have to say that, so far, I
> think this is my  
> favorite radio, even at just 10W. The only thing it
> is missing (stock)  
> is a good way to do digital modes. (I have seen the
> mod for getting  
> audio out before the audio amp but not sure how well
> it will fit after  
> getting the KPA100 in there.)
> So, the K3 looks like a superb radio. I want one.
> But, compared to  
> just about everything else, the K2 is still a
> winner.
> (For some reason it keeps following me home on the
> weekends.)
> --
> Brian Lloyd                         Granite Bay
> Montessori
> brian AT gbmontessori DOT com       9330 Sierra
> College Blvd.
> +1.916.367.2131 (voice)             Roseville, CA
> 95661, USA
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> of petty things . . .
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