there was a small pcb based training keyer kit, manhatten style, several years ago. Had a tick based keyer, a small piezo spkr, a single switch, and couple resistors. The paddles and everything was built from the raw PCB materials.

took about 20 min or so to make, and as I recall was $12 or so...

Anybody remember a link to it ? is it still available ? Vaguely seems it was a Norcal project kit for the Az hamfest. Doug Hendricks may remember better that I.

Should fit the bill perfectly.


Brian Lloyd wrote:

On Apr 24, 2008, at 9:48 AM, Darwin, Keith wrote:

Iambic or just paddles?  I think single-lever would be easier to home
brew.  I envision a hack saw blade plus a couple of bolts for contacts,
all on a wooden base.  If you want iambic, that would be more difficult.

Yes, it would. Some have discovered how much easier it is to use the iambic feature to insert an element into a string of another element.

How much is the black widow kit?  I'm thinking it's like $30 or
something but I don't recall and haven't done the internet search.

I have never heard of it. I will go look for it.

When teaching my kids morse, I too found they had a much easier time
with the paddles than the straight key.  In fact, they were both able to
learn iambic (squeeze) keying with less effort than learning the
straight key.

That is what I am finding as well. As a sometimes-musician I find that I personally have no problem with timing and rhythm with a straight key but most of the kids just aren't there.

Brian Lloyd
Granite Bay Montessori School          9330 Sierra College Bl
brian AT gbmontessori DOT com          Roseville, CA 95661
+1.916.367.2131 (voice)                +1.791.912.8170 (fax)

PGP key ID:          12095C52A32A1B6C
PGP key fingerprint: 3B1D BA11 4913 3254 B6E0  CC09 1209 5C52 A32A 1B6C

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