Hi Everyone,

I got back from Dayton late last night after seeing all the sights at the Hamvention including the 'Three Amigos of Ham Radio' (You have to have seen them to believe it! Dressed in full Mexican garb!) and Steve with the 'Helmet Tower'. Lots of fun.

The Elecraft booth was a wall to wall crush all during the show with the K3 being one of if not the most popular rig of the entire event. Wayne, Eric, Tom and others were continuously demonstrating the K3 to the multitudes wire to wire. (IMO attendance at the Elecraft, Ten Tec and Flex booths seemed to surpass the Japanese Big Three IMO. It's great to see America back in the hf rig business big time.)

The second receiver was fully demo'ed by Wayne and will be worth the wait! Elecraft has achieved virtual total isolation between both receivers up to incredible signal strength levels. An S9+60db signal on the main receiver is not heard at all on the sub receiver at all. All of this being done with the same IF frequency for both receivers. NO ONE has done that before in a modern ham transceiver. It's very slickly packaged in the K3 as well. The versatility it will bring to this radio is without peer.

Eric commented that the sales of K3 this Dayton surpassed the 2007 show considerably. He seemed a bit surprised. He shouldn't be. I told one guy on the plane ride out that I was running a K3 and then had an three row audience and Q&A session for the entire ride out to Dayton. (I just sold my Pro III and am glad I did!)

Those of you wanting a panadapter to add to the K3 will be happy to hear that Larry N8LP at TelePost demonstrated his LP-PAN. It is a superb after-market addition to the K3. I suspect he will be selling all he can build for the time to come based on the crowds at his booth.

Finally, I lobbied Eric about looking at the KPA1500 and KPA800 amp project once again and while being politely non-committal about their future, I suspect that those of you harboring any interest in them, should let Eric know your thoughts as he is listening right now! In the mean time, Tokyo High Power has introduced a 22 lb amp for dxpeditions putting out 600w with a 100 to 250 variable voltage switching power supply in a small footprint case with a handle. Really neat! Be listening for that on on dxpeditions in the near future.

The Hara is still a dump and it only sprinkled on Friday. All in all a really good time!

If you haven't been to Dayton, plan on going once in the near future. Nothing lasts forever, them or us!

73 de N1LQ-Dave

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