Most likely to make a nice profit as they are very much in demand right now.
It's actually pretty brilliant, wait until after Dayton after thousands of
hams have seen the product and dream about owning one, then list it on and let the offers roll in.

Either that, or he needs gas money. :-)

73 Matt


I have known some Hams who do this routinely. 

Their interest in is putting their hands on most of the new rigs that come
on the market more than searching for a particular rig. Once in a while they
stumble across something they keep, but that's not the objective. What they
really seem to enjoy is being able to say "Oh yes, I had one of those..."
and go on to discuss their experience with it. Sort of "bragging rights" in
a way.  

Some are those for whom a US$5,000 or $10,000 outlay requires no more
thought that most of us might put into deciding to have a latte or stop at
the Pub for a pint. 

For others, it's simply how they spend money, whether it represents
something significant in their budget or not. After all, by putting the gear
on the market after playing with it for a while they recover most of their
money and possibly even turn a profit on an especially popular rig. 

I know what you're thinking. Hams must be a strange bunch. Good insight!
Would you believe that some of us actually build a little rig that runs no
more than five watts and hang around on the shortwave bands sending Morse
when we could be yakking on the phone or pounding out e-mails? 

Now what's the sense in that? 

None, of course, at first glance. It's simply doing what interests us. And
doing that is exactly how we create interesting and exciting lives. 


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